I conducted a survey of 75 people across all demographics, locations, and political affiliations. No matter how they politically identify, survey respondents tended to agree on a few major points.

They view the United States as an unsuccessful democracy.

they believe U.S. citizens are treated unequally.

They don't trust the election process.

They believe real political power is held by people with the most money.

They believe that something major needs to change.

They view the United States as an unsuccessful democracy. they believe U.S. citizens are treated unequally. They don't trust the election process. They believe real political power is held by people with the most money. They believe that something major needs to change.


Inspired by Jenny Holzer’s Truisms and anarchist thinkers like Emma Goldman, CrimethInc, John Henry Mackay, Lucy Parsons, Peter Kropotkin, and more, I decided to use recognizable political imagery to spread the language of change; encouraging the idea of dismantling a broken system and eradicating all positions of authority and institutions that hold unjust power over the people.


In total, I created ten bumper stickers, ten 18x24” yard signs, and four 24x36” road signs, all utilizing recognizable political visual language to communicate revolutionary messages.